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Expression of Ideas Videos 47 videos
Learn about effective language use from austronauts that like hoarding moon rocks in this SAT writing drill!
What's the whole essay about? How does time control or matter to the essay as a whole?
This SAT Writing videos goes over when to keep or ditch an extra sentence.
SAT Writing and Language Drill 6.3 Effective Language Use 1 Views
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The word good can mean more than just something nice. Need an example? Watch this SAT Writing video on The Well-Rounded Curriculum for just that.
- 00:03
All right Writing scuppers Third of eleven here What's it
- 00:07
Good for nothing Absolutely nothing Okay let's Find it from
- 00:12
thomas jefferson on American leaders have recognized that public education
- 00:14
and study of liberal arts were good for creating an
- 00:17
informed citizenry that could participate in civil society Well though
Full Transcript
- 00:22
this essay is somewhat conversational it still avoids imprecise words
- 00:26
like good especially in the first few paragraphs The language
- 00:29
in those paragraphs is strong leaving no room for debate
- 00:32
just like the word essential which is essential to the
- 00:35
tone of the essay So the answer here is see
- 00:37
usually when there's a jared noun at which someone is
- 00:40
skilled Dunking a basketball for example or shmoop ng and
- 00:44
s a thie expression before is good at not good
- 00:48
for he's good at dunking a basketball Michael jordan was
- 00:51
good at dunking basketballs and also good for it in
- 00:55
that he contributed to its awesome image That doesn't mean
- 00:58
good at is right In this case though that phrase
- 01:01
is still the little too conversational and vague from tone
- 01:04
of this essay Yes would be all right at is
- 01:08
so wishy washy that it comes close toe undermining the
- 01:10
whole point of the essay So that ain't it Answers 00:01:12.838 --> [endTime] See Essential too
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