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This SAT Reading video on Psychology PrisonLand has you analyzing multiple passages. Yes, it's exciting!
SAT Reading: Inferring Information from a Passage 12 Views
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Thoreau moved to Walden - now what? He... ate only a few, simple meals. No 3 meals a day schedule for him. He wanted to diet complexity and calories at the same time.
- 00:01
Ok people next question We're going to eat first before
- 00:04
looking into text You can be mostly inferred that after
- 00:06
thorough moved to welding he what All right well there's
- 00:11
not much reading to go back through so you can
- 00:13
go skin the passage if you want but we're just
Full Transcript
- 00:15
gonna dive right in Okay well the correct answer here
- 00:18
Yeah it's b he ate few simple meals like good
- 00:22
and that seem apropo to his character Did henry dave
- 00:24
practice what he preached in real life before he split
- 00:28
for the woods Well we'll have to take his word
- 00:30
for it In his call for simplicity he specifically mentioned
- 00:34
eating simply says instead of three meals a day if
- 00:37
it be necessary eat but one instead of one hundred
- 00:41
dishes five will combine that with fact that well he
- 00:45
didn't have a job and it's safe to assume throw
- 00:47
wasn't eating a lot of caviar in truffles solitude is
- 00:51
a major theme in walden but it's impossible to tell
- 00:54
from this excerpt whether thoreau had much company Well he
- 00:57
certainly never talks about never talking a and this excerpt
- 01:01
also fails to mention anything about where hdtv lived or
- 01:05
what he lived in a teepee or nowhere and not
- 01:09
to mention his work schedule Like checking in on google
- 01:12
calendar getting those alerts there not gonna happen All right 00:01:15.873 --> [endTime] he is the answer A few simple meals Yeah
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