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SAT Reading: Determining the Implicit Meaning of a Phrase in President Obama's Speech 7 Views
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The forces of Facism and Communism - war technology in WW2 has changed. We defeated the bad guys by working together. The times they are a changin'.
- 00:02
alright here we go another reading or continuing with the Obama saga the 2013
- 00:08
inaugural address so here we go the president strongly implies which of the [text on screen]
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following about meeting the forces of fascism or communism with muskets and
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militias all right well let's go back here in a reader well for the mere
- 00:18
people can no more need the Mane's of today's world by acting alone in our
Full Transcript
- 00:20
soldiers could've met forces of fascism or communism with muskets a militia they
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write an answer we're looking here yes gotta be a modern methods understands
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the need to embrace modern methods and technology back in the old days we tried [Shmoop logo]
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using carrier pigeons to deliver our test guides to students and while the [pigeon bringing in mail]
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Internet's a much cleaner method President Obama also understands that
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new ideas are needed to address new problems a metaphor about muskets and [Obama during a speech]
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militias suggests that the methods Americans used to win their Liberty [old revolutionary painting]
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weren't methods they could cling to indefinitely when the United States went
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to war against Hitler it didn't show up with muskets and that would have been [war propaganda]
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unwise instead they arrived on the scene with the most advanced technology they
- 01:02
could muster Obama is continually invoking the declaration the [Obama]
- 01:07
Constitution and the spirit of the founders he's the last person to suggest
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that the revolutionary spirit is unsustainable so it ain't be his whole [text on screen]
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speech is about how America can overcome any challenge by working together which
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is best demonstrated when he says my fellow Americans we are made for this [Obama during a speech]
- 01:24
moment and we will seize it let's see sure modern warfare doesn't resemble the
- 01:29
Revolutionary War where for starters those guys didn't have X boxes in 1776 [violent video game]
- 01:35
but we're dealing with a metaphor about changing with the times not a literal
- 01:39
claim about war so in HD all the times they are a-changin stats Bob Dylan
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