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U.S. and World Literature Passage Videos 25 videos
Contemplating one's life is key to fulfilled happiness. Thoreau's theme revolves around the simple life well lived. He clearly never tried virtual...
Thoreau moved to Walden - now what? He... ate only a few, simple meals. No 3 meals a day schedule for him. He wanted to diet complexity and calorie...
Thoreau was all about simplicity; anything that took away from his vision was the enemy. Mechanical aids were one of them. Guess he had to train a...
Identifying the Main Purpose of a Passage from Walden 7 Views
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"I went to the woods because ___?" Fill in the blank by watching this SAT Reading video on Henry David Thoreau's famous novel Walden.
- 00:02
All right people we're going toe speed Read this thing
- 00:04
for you Way must learn to reawaken He becomes awake
- 00:07
can plain tinkering above them and ofall rail roads are
- 00:11
not build How shall we All right we done yet
- 00:15
the main purpose of this passage is to do what
Full Transcript
- 00:19
other than bore you to death All right Well the
- 00:21
correct answer here Wait for it Yes It's a one
- 00:24
of the most famous lines from walden summarizes henry david
- 00:28
throws main idea I went to the woods because i
- 00:31
wished to live deliberately That's what he said that's how
- 00:35
we talk of the recording from that actual era Well
- 00:37
the purpose of the excerpt is to drive this point
- 00:40
home The remaining answer choices support the main purpose of
- 00:43
the passage Criticisms of modern life indian commerce be both
- 00:47
helped to explain why thoreau said sayonara to society the
- 00:51
rose emphasis on natural beauty and his qualms about technology
- 00:55
or definitely in line with conservationists argument see however throw
- 00:59
is more about changing the way individuals live their lives
- 01:03
He doesn't make an explicit argument for conservation anywhere in
- 01:07
the passage that's all about individuality like frank sinatra saying 00:01:11.526 --> [endTime] you know i did it my way
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