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U.S. and World Literature Passage Videos 25 videos
Contemplating one's life is key to fulfilled happiness. Thoreau's theme revolves around the simple life well lived. He clearly never tried virtual...
Thoreau moved to Walden - now what? He... ate only a few, simple meals. No 3 meals a day schedule for him. He wanted to diet complexity and calorie...
Thoreau was all about simplicity; anything that took away from his vision was the enemy. Mechanical aids were one of them. Guess he had to train a...
Describing the Theme of a Passage from Walden 33 Views
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The passage theme. What's it all about? Thoreau wants simplicity in life. ("Simplify, simplify.") The world is overly complex, materialistic. A move to the woods made his life worth living.
- 00:03
All right we've read the passage Just skim again We're
- 00:06
going to play a little cards that you obtain information
- 00:08
and we'll wait All right moving on way to bring
- 00:11
justice to the theme of this passage All right Well
- 00:15
that's correct Answer d not all authors are so kind
Full Transcript
- 00:18
is toe literally shout their name Simplicity simplicity simplicity anyway
- 00:23
yes hdtvs ultimate point is that people should live simply
- 00:27
He goes to the woods in orderto live a simple
- 00:29
life and focus solely on what was called oh yeah
- 00:31
living all his criticism of modern convenience and iphones And
- 00:36
why max and driverless cars yeah is based around the
- 00:39
fact that it unnecessarily complicates life Throw isn't concerned about
- 00:44
safety in this passage He's worried about the spiritual danger
- 00:47
is not the physical one So yeah toss eh After
- 00:50
all if you were worried about physical dangers silently probably
- 00:52
spend some time talking about how to avoid bears and
- 00:55
wolves while living simply in the woods you know without
- 00:58
a gun also throw himself moved to the woods But
- 01:01
while he never attack city life specifically so goodbye be
- 01:04
it may be hard to live simply in a city
- 01:06
but throws criticizing convenience not apartments Nor is he concerned
- 01:10
about saving nature from technology So goodbye See his argument
- 01:15
runs that modern conveniences are bad for people not nature
- 01:19
Of course nobody ever showed throw a youtube video of
- 01:22
a sad polar bear riding a tiny iceberg out to 00:01:24.946 --> [endTime] sea
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