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What's the difference between a real estate agent and a real estate broker? Is the latter just, uh... out of cash? Quite the opposite, in fact. Jum...
So... what's a TSA worker, and what do they do? Oh, we thought maybe you knew. Okay, okay... so TSA (or Transportation Security Administration) wor...
PBIS: Commitment to Community 544 Views
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- 00:00
Thank you Commitment to community allah shmoop well if you
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happen to live somewhere that's in the middle of the
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worst drought in its history then you owe it to
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your community to do your part to make the situation
- 00:13
better or at least not worse unless you're a a
Full Transcript
- 00:16
beer eh That guy abe is a water hog actually
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that's an insult the hogs are buddy abraham likes toe
- 00:22
flush and re flush his toilet over and over again
- 00:26
just because he likes the sound it makes He washes
- 00:28
his fancy sports car three times a day and when
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the neighbors aren't looking he siphons water from the nearby
- 00:33
hydrants to fill his pool Something tells us able be
- 00:37
getting many guests at his upcoming pool party so abe's
- 00:41
disregard for his community may result in him having a
- 00:43
green lawn but his neighbor's certainly aren't green with envy
- 00:47
If anything it doesn't have a single friend on the
- 00:49
block and as he discovers there's nothing sadder than playing
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marco polo alone marco and then comes back to you
- 00:57
there Well it doesn't take the authorities long to discover
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who should be fine for not following the water guidelines
- 01:02
It's going to cost a plenty of green toe cover
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the penalties that's for sure because he clearly demonstrated that
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he didn't care one iota about his community That community
- 01:11
repaid him by giving him the cold shoulder but their
- 01:13
shoulders are considerably warmer Toe abe's neighbor joey they knew
- 01:17
that's where we're going with this thing Joey's made a
- 01:20
commitment to his community to help his family's water consumption
- 01:23
by twenty five percent just as the governor mandated and
- 01:26
he's going to do it by any means necessary Well
- 01:29
not any means he's still gonna like drink water he's
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not superhuman or cactus they drink But but even if
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it wasn't the actual law to cutback while joey feels
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as if he's made a promise to his community to
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conserve its precious resource is after all the whole neighborhood
- 01:44
needs water right Besides he loves his home And he's
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perfected his killer tan So there's no way he's moving
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anywhere else You figures he's going to make the best
- 01:52
of his situation That means shutting the water off when
- 01:55
he brushes his teeth letting his lawn die Hey brown
- 01:59
is the new green people skipping car washes in shortening
- 02:02
His showers belting ariana grande a songs for forty five
- 02:05
minutes are a thing of the past Two minutes will
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get you just fine which ends up having other benefits
- 02:10
His neighbors save a bundle on earplugs first of all
- 02:13
but joey clearly cares about his community and shows it
- 02:16
by conserving water So instead of helping a butt that
- 02:19
big old fine everyone turns their influence and support toward
- 02:22
the guy who actually cares about his community Sounds like
- 02:25
a pretty cool community to live in unless you're a 00:02:28.22 --> [endTime] yeah merkel
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