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Careers: Wedding Planner 34398 Views
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- 00:01
No wedding planner You still remember the first wedding you
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ever attended You were seven and it was in your
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bedroom It was the marriage of tony to teddy bear
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to stephanie the stuffed platypus match made in heaven The
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wedding was attended by your little brother who had been
Full Transcript
- 00:19
forced to wear one of your nice dresses and sit
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still for an entire eight minutes It was beautiful You
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fell in love with weddings like tony had fallen in
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love with stephanie the pomp and circumstance the violin music
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the tears of happiness being shed by all of the
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other stuffed animals you thought to yourself i could get
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used to this I want to spend my life in
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and around weddings And that feeling never left you even
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after you grew up in attended actual weddings attended by
- 00:49
actual human beings So you became a wedding planner and
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now you want to tear those little husband and wife
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miniatures off the cake and chan them into your eyes
- 00:59
Why While the wedding's air still beautiful for the most
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part there's the occasional ceremony held in a hot smelly
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barn And once in a while you'll get a couple
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Of weirdos who want to get married while decked out
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in hobbit year or dressed as frankenstein in the bride
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of auras college football mascots or chickens or sans clothing
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but generally the wedding's air very pretty everyone's crying happy
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tears except for you you're crying sad angry tears of
- 01:25
frustration relief and a desire never to see another human
- 01:28
being again in your life Why Well started it for
- 01:32
a m when the bride called you on your cell
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to make sure you double checked with the band to
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confirm they're coming you did in the are one more
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college by thirty the bride wants to know if you
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arrange for the photographer to take pre ceremony photos in
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the dressing rooms bridezilla has awakened so yeah you didn't
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get a ton of sleep you're already cranky doesn't bode
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well for the day you show up at the venue
- 01:52
and old historic estate with a beautiful lawn where the
- 01:55
wedding will take place at seven thirty ceremony isn't until
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three but this isn't the sort of gig where you
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can just kind of pop in and pop out In
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fact you've pretty much felt like you're living with this
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Couple for the past three months But today now that
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all the vendors have been confirmed the cake has been
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ordered The flowers have been purchased the table linens have
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been decided upon and the trio of juggling fire breathing
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acrobats has been hired Hey there's no accounting for taste
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it's about pulling together all of the elements and making
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sure the show goes off without a hitch because that's
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what it really is a performance that begins when the
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music starts playing and doesn't end until the last remaining
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wedding Guests stumbled drunkenly into their ubers From the moment
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you arrive at the venue you are bombarded by people
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making deliveries and other people asking questions You've got to
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show the cake guy where the cake goes the flower
- 02:45
guy where the flowers go and the juggling acrobats where
- 02:49
their balls are the venue manager gets up in your
- 02:52
face because one of the delivery vans honked its horn
- 02:55
which is in violation of the neighbourhood noise ordinance Yep
- 02:58
totally your fault and within your control right Well the
- 03:01
caterer starts screaming at you because he was under the
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impression he'd only need to feed a hundred people ride
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That one hundred twenty even though you called them three
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times in the past week to explain that there would
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be one hundred twenty and oh the bride has called
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another three times one time to ask if it's supposed
- 03:16
to rain another time to ask if someone a table
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to khun b moved table five for dinner and another
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time i'll just a chat Then the bride's thirteen year
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old niece starts playing her violin really badly Maid of
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honor totally hung over from the bachelorette party wants to
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know where she should put her hand written speech during
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the ceremony Well the best man needs help tying a
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tie but luckily i found the ring you know not
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asked where he found it Your manager agent personal shopper
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fashion consultant and baby sitter all at once We have
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to perform every one of your functions while more or
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less mint in your cool at least on the outside
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because that brian is a giant ball of stress and
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you cannot add to her anxiety and you're adding it
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up in your head that the average marriage in america
- 03:59
lasts about three p point two years during the ceremony
- 04:01
You're keeping an eye on the musicians to make sure
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they're not starting too early You're checking with the ushers
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to make sure they know where to seat everyone We're
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checking with the bartenders to make sure the bar is
- 04:10
fully stocked because people are gonna want a drink No
- 04:13
yeah this career ain't easy on the old nerves but
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there are some definite perks Orkin a location wedding who
- 04:18
you might just have yourself a free trip to hawaii
- 04:21
and at least you aren't chained to a desk somewhere
- 04:23
You're moving around usually in beautiful sometimes exotic settings it
- 04:26
could be worse Pay is okay depending on where you
- 04:29
are you could be pulling in everywhere from a couple
- 04:32
grand per wedding in the heart of the midwest to
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ten grand a wedding arm or in silicon valley or
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even way more for the super high end affairs books
- 04:41
some twenty million dollar wedding for a couple of muckety
- 04:43
mucks and you could be pulling in over a hundred
- 04:45
grand for your efforts It also depends on whether or
- 04:48
not you're a solo planner or you work for a
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wedding planning company the upside of working for a company
- 04:53
Well the gigs are more regular and steady and your
- 04:56
job's a whole lot more secure the downside Well the
- 04:59
company's taking a big fat cut so you make a
- 05:02
lot less per wedding plus you'll have one of those
- 05:05
boss things standing over you Another downside Weddings aren't exactly
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on the rise fill any als don't get married no
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one's in a rush to have kids like they used
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to be i can't imagine why young people can't really
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afford nice expensive weddings or pricy wedding planners and the
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divorce rate has stalled in recent decades mainly because people
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are getting married so much later in life so there's
- 05:28
a chance they'll make a drunken mistake one night in
- 05:30
vegas when they're twenty two and be looking to remarry
- 05:33
a year later And yeah in the wedding planning business
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divorces your friend there's also the matter of many venues
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having on site wedding planners some of these people are
- 05:42
jack of all trades you know they mow the lawn
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they clean the gutters they dispose of the bodies and
- 05:46
so on so your options aren't exactly slim but they're
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slimming but if you're able to get rolling like book
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forty weddings a year in that around five grand a
- 05:55
wedding Well that's a very comfortable two hundred thousand dollars
- 05:58
of income for you were going a forty parties a
- 06:00
year One of the best things about becoming a wedding
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planner is that you don't have to go to college
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for four plus years First you may just need to
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take a certification course to be legit at which point
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you can start booking and planning away and if going
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it alone you'll need a business license and probably a
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driver license to Unless you're working with a bunch of
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clients who want to get married in your living room
- 06:19
you also need to become a master of self promotion
- 06:22
that means business card schmoozing it conferences assembling a portfolio
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and getting plenty of eyeballs Looking at it you'll need
- 06:28
to plan weddings yes but you'll also be in charge
- 06:31
of planning your own life Those wedding planning up your
- 06:34
alley Do you think you could handle the pressure If
- 06:36
so all you need to do is say i do
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