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Passage Drill Videos 153 videos
AP English Language and Composition: Passage Drill Drill 1, Problem 7. What is the principal rhetorical function of paragraphs one to three?
AP English Language and Composition: Passage Drill 1, Problem 8. The quotation marks in the third paragraph chiefly serve to what?
In this AP Language and Composition drill question, read the provided passage and infer information based upon footnote two. AP Language and Com...
AP English Language and Composition 10.5 Passage Drill 175 Views
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AP English Language and Composition 10.5 Passage Drill. What does the author state that a land ethic must be a process of?
- 00:00
Thank you We sneak in then here's your shmoop du
- 00:05
jour brought to you by transformative process is like the
- 00:09
one that's happening to your old sandwich in the fridge
- 00:12
First check out the passage we've done umpteen times before
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we're going to skim it real quick We're done that's
Full Transcript
- 00:25
the sound of skimming people when you get old that's
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what it sounds like when you skip all right the
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author states that a land ethic must be part of
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a process of what and hear potential answers all right
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conscious raising a little all right Well sometimes meaning can
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only be determined by carefully assessing cryptic clues and sometimes
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it's laid out for us let's look at paragraph seven
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the author directly states that he's presented the land ethic
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as a product of social evolution Well that pretty much
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nails it now the social evolution could have many component
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parts maybe consciousness needs to be raised or maybe individuals
- 01:02
could take some initiative perhaps building fewer starbucks and maybe
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spiritually enlightenment is involved as well After all when you're
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one with everybody you probably won't pave over it But
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these are all parts of a process not the whole
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thing and the author's pretty negative about economic progress In
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fact he claims and ethics based on money is a
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problem Money can't buy me love and evidently it can't
- 01:23
buy land ethics either sing it paul mccartney no because
- 01:27
the author clearly states a land ethic Must be a
- 01:29
part of social evolution A gradual change for the better
- 01:33
So is the correct answer Now For a next transformative
- 01:36
process we'll discuss johnny depp's slow transformation into a wandering 00:01:41.385 --> [endTime] gypsy
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