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Passage Drill Videos 153 videos
AP English Language and Composition: Passage Drill Drill 1, Problem 7. What is the principal rhetorical function of paragraphs one to three?
AP English Language and Composition: Passage Drill 1, Problem 8. The quotation marks in the third paragraph chiefly serve to what?
In this AP Language and Composition drill question, read the provided passage and infer information based upon footnote two. AP Language and Com...
AP English Language: Why Include This Story? 23 Views
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The primary purpose of including Nasmyth's story (lines 15–17) is to
- 00:05
Okay A p laying people We've read the passage We've
- 00:08
digested it We've mumbled through it and just get to
- 00:11
the question all right The primary purpose of including now
- 00:14
as myths story in lines fifteen through seventeen is what
- 00:21
No Let's cruise here to fifteen to seventeen and just
Full Transcript
- 00:25
mumble for you at no extra charge Thank you very
- 00:27
much Yada yada like that Smith who tells it is
- 00:30
i don't love you man You know that He's thinking
- 00:31
one of friends had a charming and kindly twinkle On
- 00:34
one days brother discovered that he had a glass high
- 00:37
You know he's got a sense of humor there All
- 00:38
right Well before recounting as miss story the speaker expresses
- 00:42
the opinion that if we make mistakes it's better that
- 00:45
they be kind of mistakes The anecdote about nah smith
- 00:48
and the glass eye reinforces that perspective Think of all
- 00:51
the awkward moments that could have been avoided with this
- 00:53
golden rule All the stories but playful but absurd So
- 00:57
get rid of d That's just too strong a word
- 00:59
and the rest of the passage isn't exactly somber Get
- 01:01
rid of a where that come from The consequences of
- 01:04
nasa mis mistake aren't discussed anywhere in sea like another
- 01:07
where'd that come from Like the text has to be
- 01:09
in the text or it doesn't count And there's no
- 01:12
clear analogy to plunging into science So get rid of
- 01:14
b it's way more an example of charitable mistake So
- 01:17
the answer is you know to express the speaker's opinion 00:01:20.931 --> [endTime] regarding mistakes That's it It's e
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