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Passage Drill Videos 141 videos
AP English Language and Composition: Passage Drill Drill 1, Problem 2. What is the speaker's primary purpose in using onomatopoeia in line four?
AP English Language and Composition: Passage Drill Drill 1, Problem 7. What is the principal rhetorical function of paragraphs one to three?
AP English Language and Composition: Passage Drill 1, Problem 8. The quotation marks in the third paragraph chiefly serve to what?
AP English Language: What Is The Author's Attitude? 40 Views
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What most accurately describes the author's attitude toward the "Mechanical Arts" in paragraph 5?
What most accurately describes the author's attitude toward the "Mechanical Arts" in paragraph 5?
- 00:05
Okay Ap england people moving in line what most accurately
- 00:09
describes the author's attitude toward the mechanical arts in paragraph
- 00:14
five The author's clearly awestruck by the steam engine and
- 00:22
labor that goes into designing and building it He's also
- 00:25
respectful acknowledging the dignity of the practical arts like people
Full Transcript
- 00:29
used to look down on train makers and up on
- 00:31
oil painters or something like that even though he considers
- 00:34
himself more of a fine art see kind of guy
- 00:37
Bewildered azan and grudging as in b don't really describe
- 00:41
his point of view towards mechanical art He may be
- 00:43
a bit of a romantic in the sense of the
- 00:46
you know romantic period in the art but we couldn't
- 00:48
really say he's alienated by technology He's enthusiastic but well
- 00:53
we don't get the impression he's so crazy about trains
- 00:55
and he's going to build a model railroad set up
- 00:58
in his basement like sheldon Yeah that's more our style 00:01:01.014 --> [endTime] So the answer is c respectful wonderment
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