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Passage Drill Videos 141 videos
AP English Language and Composition: Passage Drill Drill 1, Problem 2. What is the speaker's primary purpose in using onomatopoeia in line four?
AP English Language and Composition: Passage Drill Drill 1, Problem 7. What is the principal rhetorical function of paragraphs one to three?
AP English Language and Composition: Passage Drill 1, Problem 8. The quotation marks in the third paragraph chiefly serve to what?
AP English Language and Composition 10.1 Passage Drill 5 Views
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AP English Language and Composition 10.1 Passage Drill. Which of the following best describes the author's intention?
- 00:00
your shmoop du jour brought to you by once radical ideas
- 00:07
that now seems shady. like basically all of Sigmund Freud. I first check out this
- 00:15
passage. [mumbling]
- 00:18
all right which of the following best describes the author's
- 00:30
intention? and here the potential answer. well in this text the author
Full Transcript
- 00:36
repeatedly uses the phrase land ethic. usually when someone says something four
- 00:41
or five times well it's important. like the ninth time your mom asked you to [land ethic circled in a written passage]
- 00:45
take up trash. now in this age of soybeans and vegan oxygen bars ethical
- 00:53
land use may not seem radical but in the 40s it was revolutionary stuff. but does
- 00:58
the author explicitly call for new environmental laws no not so much he's
- 01:02
no lawyer just writes like one. and he's not telling people where to spend their
- 01:06
money or promoting developmental mechanism, and although attention to
- 01:10
farming methods could be a part of a new land ethic it's not the focus here. in
- 01:14
fact the author seems to have a weird antagonism toward hydroponics. maybe he's
- 01:19
got a bad batch of our lettuce once. and well as bad things can happen. really [man frowns]
- 01:23
what we have here is more a general set of new ideas a new concept about how to
- 01:27
use land ethically, so b is the correct answer. now if only the author were alive
- 01:32
today you can see how far we've truly come. although you might not be happy
- 01:36
about all the starbucks. [man yells in front of starbucks logo]
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