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AP Computer Science Videos 110 videos
AP Computer Science: Classes and Objects Drill 1, Problem 1. Which of the following is a correct {/* Implementation */} for the isInsect method?
AP Computer Science 1.1 Inheritance, Abstraction, and Polymorphism. Which of the following are correct?
AP Computer Science 1.1 Program Development. The situation in the video is an example of which of the following?
AP Computer Science 3.4 Classes and Objects 176 Views
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AP Computer Science: Classes and Objects Drill 3, Problem 4. Which of the following are objects?
- 00:00
Laurie and here's your smoke usually brought to you by
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the private declaration of album names because you don't always
- 00:08
want your friends to know you on them All right
- 00:10
consider the following declaration album A equals new album Kind
- 00:14
of blue miles davis nineteen fifty which of the following
Full Transcript
- 00:18
are objects okay And here your potential answers brought to
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you by and let's go alright So java is an
- 00:28
object oriented language but that doesn't make everything an object
- 00:32
But some things are somethings are look the objects around
- 00:35
you right now No seriously like what do you got
- 00:37
Lamp bicycle autographed photo of the nineteen eighty nine oakland
- 00:40
athletics where jose conseco misspelled his own name on steroids
- 00:45
Yeah good us to write Each one of these is
- 00:48
an object with its own states and behaviors thing about
- 00:52
the bike it states could conceivably be things such as
- 00:55
its current speed current gear speed like here and whether
- 01:02
or not it's currently getting any sick air and it's
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behaviors or functions It could do changing gears turning left
- 01:10
or right and so on The objects can be pretty
- 01:13
complex things different from objects though our classes and primitive
- 01:18
data types are a class isn't an object It's more
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like the instruction manual from which objects are constructed An
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object is an instance of a class all right it's
- 01:30
A lot like a recipe A cake recipe shows you
- 01:32
everything you need to make a huge gnarly cake The
- 01:35
recipe is not a cake object itself Primitive data types
- 01:38
are also not object Imagers long's floats bites There are
- 01:43
eight in all and they're just bear data that come
- 01:46
with none of the interesting stuff that makes objects on
- 01:49
objects Those faras this question is concerned We have three
- 01:52
players and were asked which of them are objects album
- 01:55
album year and uh well starting at the top album
- 01:59
is the class in question and we know that classes
- 02:02
are objects so we can cross that baby off strike
- 02:04
one album you're sure sounds like an object but it's
- 02:07
not looking back above album here is just an imager
- 02:11
Well manager is being primitive Data types are just a
- 02:13
bit of data Strike two a however is an object
- 02:17
declaration here Album a equals new album creates a new
- 02:21
object of the album class named eh that means our 00:02:25.045 --> [endTime] answer will be See Three only conform
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