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AP Computer Science Videos 110 videos
AP Computer Science: Classes and Objects Drill 1, Problem 1. Which of the following is a correct {/* Implementation */} for the isInsect method?
AP Computer Science 1.1 Inheritance, Abstraction, and Polymorphism. Which of the following are correct?
AP Computer Science 1.1 Program Development. The situation in the video is an example of which of the following?
AP Computer Science 3.2 Program Development 196 Views
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AP Computer Science 3.2 Program Development. Which of the following is the best time to use a bottom-up development style?
AP Computer Science 3.2 Program Development. Which of the following is the best time to use a bottom-up development style?
- 00:00
Thank you We sneak and here's your smoke du jour
- 00:05
brought to you by the phrase bottoms up Thank goodness
- 00:08
it only refers tio someone's drink All right which of
- 00:12
the following is the best time to use a bottom
- 00:14
up development style on here Potentially honey Okay well bottom
Full Transcript
- 00:22
up development is the best way to go when you
- 00:24
need to test a smaller independent function before integrating it
- 00:28
into a larger scale project Like when you build a
- 00:32
puzzle sometimes it's easier to build the smaller sections before
- 00:35
putting it all together Bottom up development is perfect for
- 00:38
building classes that need to be tested independently before integrated
- 00:43
into the full project Got it though The best choice
- 00:46
for this one is see It talks about writing independent
- 00:50
classes which is what bottom up development is all about 00:00:54.313 --> [endTime] Well done Bottoms up everyone
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