Help Using Shmoop


Why are there two Shmoop dashboards?

You might have noticed that we've got two dashboards over at Shmoop. Very observant.

One, located at is the one you're used to. It has all the practical stuff front and center for you.

The second, located at is home to all things ShmoopYou, our peer-to-peer network.

Let's take a look:

/my/shmoop/ Dashboard

This dashboard is for both users and users.

And as much as we love the sound of our own voice, we've got everything you could possibly want to know about this dashboard right here. So get clicking.

/my/home/ Dashboard

This dashboard is your ShmoopYou hub—just for users. From here, you can

  • ask questions on ShmoopAnswers.
  • use any of our chatrooms.
  • see your ShmoopFeed or make your own post.
  • update your profile and get endorsed for skills.

Plus, you can still access all the other dashboard goodness, including your passes, classrooms, essays, and more.

Still need more help? Feel free to email, and you'll hear from a real human with 24 hours.