Primitivity Quotes in World War Z

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Part.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Because Americans worship technology. It's an inherent trait in the national zeitgeist. Whether we realize it or not, even the most indefatigable Luddite can't deny our country's technoprowess. (6.4.44)

Humanity's need for self-preservation has always connected strongly with our tools: flint arrow heads, the pulley, and the tools of agriculture. In World War Z, America lets this technological zeal go maybe a little too far. On the other hand, we aren't so sure how well we'd survive without the Internet ourselves. (We'd definitely be out of a job.)

Quote #8

We had this great campsite right on the shore of a lake, not too many people around, but just enough to make us feel "safe," you know, if any of the dead show up. Everyone was real friendly, this big collective vibe of relief. (5.4.15)

These survivors have forgotten about a little something called winter—but it's coming anyway. Winter without modern heating devices is one harsh mistresss, and these survivors' need for self preservation will push their primitivity to the edge.

Quote #9

In a world of information without context, where status was determined on its acquisition and possession, those of my generation could rule like gods. […] I didn't have to worry about my appearance, or my social etiquette, my grades, or my prospects for the future. (7.4.4)

World War Z takes a few moments to point out that our sub-worlds—like the Internet—have their own rules for self-preservation. For the Internet, the first rule is to provide people with the information they want. The second rule: nobody likes a forum troll—the Internet's most primitive members.