Primitivity Quotes in World War Z

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Part.Paragraph)

Quote #4

[…] it means that, in politics, you focus on the needs of your power base. Keep them happy, and they keep you in office. (3.4.15)

A politician promises to help us maintain our primitive desire for self-preservation. In turn, we help the politician do just that by keeping them in office and with a paycheck. Quid pro quo, Clarice.

Quote #5

[…] but they never mention that, by far, there's nothing more marketable than knowing how to kill some people while keeping others from being killed. (4.5.2)

Some people construct their entire identity around violence. But if you live for war—what happens when the war is over?

Quote #6

Redeker argued that these isolated, uninfected refugees must be kept alive, well defended and even resupplied, if possible, so as to keep the undead hordes firmly rooted to the spot. You see the genius, the sickness? (5.1.14)

Here, we have a question of humanitarianism—doing what is necessary to provide the most good for the most number of people. Is the Redeker plan that sacrifices some people for the benefit of others primitive or—humanitarian? World War Z provides no definitive answers.