Prejudice Quotes in World War Z

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Part.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Yes, there was racism, but there was also classism. You're a high-powered corporate attorney. […] And suddenly [a plumber] is your teacher, maybe even your boss. For some, this was scarier than the living dead. (6.1.11)

The novel makes the transition from to classism: different discrimination, similar jerkish results.

Quote #8

As she tried some other half-hearted, half-assed excuses, I saw her eyes flick to my chair. [Joe is disabled.] Can you believe that? Here we were with mass extinction knocking on the door, and she's trying to be politically correct? (6.3.2-4)

First racism, then classism, and now ableism. This novel really does cover the discriminatory spectrum, doesn't it?

Quote #9

Oh, yes. You could see it was clearly written by an American, the references to SUVs and personal firearms. There was no taking into account the cultural differences… the various indigenous solutions people believed would save them from the undead. (7.2.14)

We're not putting this quote here because it's out-and-out racism. Rather, it seems apt to remind people to consider the differences in cultures when dealing with such things as manners, politics, and the occasional horde of the not-so-dead.