Prejudice Quotes in World War Z

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Part.Paragraph)

Quote #4

The bastards were shining their torches in people's faces, trying to root out darkies like me. I even saw one captain standing on the deck of his ship's launch, waving a gun and shouting "No scheduled castes, we won't take untouchables!" (4.2.11)

While Mary Jo has a change of heart from her experiences, it's probably not going to be the same for everyone. This quote qualifies as case in point. (Although maybe a few years later they'd have been thinking differently.)

Quote #5

No one thought it could happen, not between us. For God's sake, they helped us build our nuclear program from the ground up! […] we wouldn't have been a nuclear power if it wasn't for our fraternal Muslim brothers. (4.6.12)

The novel begins broadening out toward the follies of other forms of discrimination. Here, the assumption is that people from the same nation, ethnicity, or religion will have your best interesting in heart, unlike those "others." For Ahmed, this assumption is blown away with all the force of nuclear bomb (and an actual nuclear bomb).

Quote #6

Others have argued that, in order for a racist to hate one group, he must at least love another. Redeker believed both love and hate to be irrelevant. To him they were, "impediments of the human condition," […]. (5.1.3)

Redeker created his plan for South Africa, a government famous for its apartheid system—a system that uses legislation to enforce the discriminatory practices of the ruling class. This is what you call irony.