The Witches Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"I know I'm not a boy any longer and I never will be again, but I'll be quite all right as long as there's always you to look after me." (14.16)

In some ways, our narrator needs his grandma more now than when he was a boy. As we see toward the end, she has to rig up some strange gadgets to help him get around, and she even has to construct a mouse toothbrush for him. He's not kidding when he says he'll always need her to look after him. As a boy, he would have grown into a man and not needed her anymore. As a mouse, he'll always need her help.

Quote #8

"You're doing beautifully," I said. (18.65)

Shmoop thinks this is a sweet moment. This sounds like something a grandma (or mom or other adult) might say to a child. Instead, we hear our narrator saying it to his grandma, assuring her that she's doing a great job keeping everything on the DL. This not only shows how mature our narrator is, but shows what a mutually loving and caring relationship he has with his Grandmamma.

Quote #9

"Because I would never want to live longer than you," I said. "I couldn't stand being looked after by anybody else." (21.29)

This is a bittersweet moment, don't you think? Our narrator is happy to hear that he'll only live about nine years longer because he doesn't want to exist in this world without his grandma. Clearly he loves his grandma more than anything, but Shmoop knows that life is definitely worth living even if you lose someone you love.