The Witches Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Oh yes," the nurse answered, smiling. "She told us she simply had to get better because she had to look after you." (5.22)

Grandmamma is more concerned about her grandson than she is about her own health. Do you think the opposite is true, too?

Quote #5

Oh Grandmamma, what are they going to do to me? (12.1)

This sounds like something our narrator might have said in a conversation with his grandma, right? Yet he actually thinks this when his grandma isn't anywhere nearby! This just goes to show you that their bond is so tight that, even when he's thinking to himself, he's thinking to his grandma, too.

Quote #6

My grandmother is a human, but I know for certain that she will always love me whoever I am. (13.6)

Well isn't this just the sappiest thing you've ever heard? Yep. The fact that our narrator doesn't even blink an eye when thinking this, though, shows how sure he is of his grandma's unconditional love for him.