Who Framed Roger Rabbit? Race Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Who Framed Roger Rabbit?.

Quote #1


Eddie's first line is him shaking his head and gruffly lamenting the existence of Toons. He has lumped all of them into one narrow stereotype he's formed in his head, and he lets his attitude toward one Toon affect the way he views and treats all others.

Quote #2

VALIANT: Forget it. I don't work Toontown.

Some people won't enter certain neighborhoods because they would be in the minority there. Eddie's prejudice toward Toontown keeps him from entering it, and makes him want nothing to do with it, or the Toons who live there.

Quote #3

MAROON: I got him on loan from Disney. Him and half the cast of Fantasia. Best part is... they work for peanuts!

This is a joke (elephants like peanuts) but it also serves a double meaning, showing that the Toons are used for cheap labor and are easily expendable.