Where the Red Fern Grows Women and Femininity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

She was a girl, and girls don't think like boys do. (8.134)

Billy has problems understanding his sisters, obviously. To be honest, he doesn't seem particularly interested in trying to understand them. It's almost as though he thinks women are an alien species. (Psst: try giving them names, Billy.)

Quote #8

After Mama saw that there were no broken bones, or legs chopped off, she smiled and said, "I never know any more. I guess I'll just have to get used to it." (9.62)

Billy's mom is admitting to being helpless in this quote, so we can't quite figure out why she's smiling. It's almost as though part of her expects her son to be like this, even if it freaks her out all the time. You know, boys will be boys.

Quote #9

A cold chill ran over my body.

I suppose it's natural at a time like that for a boy to think of his mother. I thought of mine. I wanted to get home. (13.128-29)

Here's at least one thing that women are good at: providing comfort and stability. Billy sees his mom as a place of safety and warmth. It's interesting to think about the differences between the times when his mom comforts and talks to him (when he's sad) and when his dad or grandpa does (when he's frustrated, mostly).