Where the Red Fern Grows Women and Femininity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"I know," said Papa. "It's all right with me, but women are a little different than men. They worry more." (8.9)

Okay, take a deep breath and remember the historical context. This book was written in the 1960s and takes place in the 1920s. It was a different time. The thing to think about is how the adult Billy is telling the story. Does he seem to agree with this statement?

Quote #5

Mama got up from the table saying, "Well, it's like I said, I can't say no and I can't help worrying. I'll pray every night you're out." (8.26)

Billy's mom feels helpless to do anything about his hunting, so she turns to faith. Guess what? Billy prays, too. Maybe men and women aren't so different after all.

Quote #6

"Don't worry about your mother," he said, as he climbed on the mule's back, "I'll take care of her." (8.130)

The men in this novel seem to be very protective of the women, even Billy. So, do women seem to have a purpose besides being protected? (And breeding?)