Where the Red Fern Grows Religion Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"I know what you're going through and how it hurts, but there's always an answer. The Good Lord has a reason for everything he does." (19.166)

According to Papa, God took away the dogs so Billy could go to town with the rest of the family. We're thinking maybe there was another way—like, maybe finding a house with a big backyard?

Quote #8

"I think it is a miracle," Papa said. "Remember, Billy said a prayer when he asked for his pups and then there were your prayers. Billy got his pups. Through those dogs your prayers were answered. Yes, I'm sure it is a miracle." (19.178)

Billy's dad sees the interconnectedness of all the events that have been happening. Guess what? That's what adults do. When Billy can finally understand the significance of the red fern and his family's move, that's the moment he really grows up.

Quote #9

I knew my father was a firm believer in fate. To him everything that happened was the will of God, and in his Bible he could always find the answers. (19.181)

Notice that Billy refers to it as "his Bible," implying that it is his dad's Bible now and not Billy's. Hello, crisis of faith!