Where the Red Fern Grows Religion Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"The big tree was the only one touched by the wind. Do you think God heard my prayer? Do you think He helped me?" […] It wasn't hard for me to decide. I was firmly convinced that I had been helped. (9.153-155)

Okay—but notice that he says "was." Does the adult Billy also agree that God was helping him, or are we just getting the young Billy's perspective here?

Quote #5

I walked back to the sycamore tree. Once again I said a prayer, but this time the words were different. I didn't ask for a miracle. In every way a young boy could, I said "thanks." My second prayer wasn't said with just words. All of my heart and soul was in it. (11.78)

Prayer doesn't have to be about asking for something; it can also be a thanksgiving for something that you've been given. Just one more way we know that Billy is a model young gentleman, right?

Quote #6

I went to my mother and asked her if God answered prayers every time one was said. She smiled and said, "No, Billy, not every time. He only answers the ones that are said from the heart. You have to be sincere and believe in Him." (11.83)

Here's something mom is good for: teaching Billy about God. Dad might be able to take him out hunting, but only his mom can answer his questions about God. We're wondering if Billy is saying something about men and women—or if this is just the way it happened for him.