Where the Red Fern Grows Education Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"That's what I came down here for. I'll show you how to keep that coon in the tree." (9.11)

Grandpa should write a book, because he seems to know everything about catching coons. And guess what? It works. He teaches Billy practical skills as well as moral lessons about not giving up. But we doubt Billy uses many of these lessons in his office these days.

Quote #8

I felt my father's hand on my shoulder. Looking at me, he smiled and nodded his head. Papa and I knew I had judged the coon perfectly. (16.126)

What we have here is a classic "student becoming the teacher" moment. It looks like Billy might be able to teach a thing or two, these days.

Quote #9

Right then I didn't care about coons, gold cups, or anything. All I wanted was my dogs. (17.64)

Billy is learning something that you can't learn in fancy schools: what's really important in life. For all that his parents seem so obsessed with getting some book-learning in the kid, Where the Red Fern Grows really emphasizes the importance of life experience.