Where the Red Fern Grows Education Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"There's more to an education than just reading and writing," Papa said. "Much more." (6.62)

Sure, like knowing how to play on a playground; being able to name your favorite kind of soda; and not being afraid of the cops. (Unless you really should be afraid of the cops, not that any of you Shmoopers would be.)

Quote #5

"I don't want you children to grow up without an education, not even knowing what a bottle of soda pop is, or ever seeing the inside of a schoolhouse." (6.65)

We can think of a few modern-day parents who would be thrilled if their kids grew up without ever knowing what soda pop was. But we get the point—these kids may have learned to read and write, but they don't know nearly enough to navigate a larger world.

Quote #6

"Now you do everything exactly as I tell you," he said, "and you'll catch that coon." (7.10)

Billy's life is full of teachers, even if none of them have degrees. Here, his grandfather passes on a little wisdom about how to catch raccoons.