Marriage Quotes in We Need to Talk About Kevin

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

I had created my own Other Woman who happened to be a boy. (25.239)

Eva is jealous of Kevin in the same way that she would be jealous of a mistress. In fact, we think she might prefer Franklin to have a mistress rather than be so attached to Kevin.

Quote #8

Brian and Louise had split ten years before […] and of course Brian was far more upset about separation from those two blond moppets than about leaving Louise. (25.239)

Here we see another relationship in which the man loves his children more than he loves his wife. We don't get to see how Louise feels about this. Do you think this type of situation is common?

Quote #9

"There's nothing left to decide, Eva," you said limply. "It's already happened." (25.245)

Eva and Franklin's marriage dissolves slowly, so slowly Eva doesn't really notice it happening. She is too distracted by Kevin to pay attention to her marriage. But Franklin doesn't ever try to help save it, either.