Marriage Quotes in We Need to Talk About Kevin

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

I reminded you of our old pact, offering to christen our second child a Plaskett. Don't be ridiculous, you dismissed. (18.81)

There is some tension between Eva and Franklin because they kept their own last names when they married. As a result, it feels like one child "belongs" to another, but in name only.

Quote #5

I'm not sure you'll believe me, but it never occurred to me to leave. (23.135)

Are you surprised that Franklin considers divorcing Eva? And that Eva never thought of it? We think she'd much rather have abandoned Kevin, if she could, than lose Franklin.

Quote #6

"But that's ten years from now, and it's too many days. I can take the years, Eva. But not the days." (25.237)

As we mentioned, Eva sometimes feels like she is married to Kevin in a way. Although this quote is Franklin speaking to Eva about their marriage, Eva feels much the same way regarding Kevin. The daily grind of being "married" to Kevin, so to speak, is torture for her.