The Wave Identity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

He swallowed the three aspirins and avoided looking in the mirror. Was he afraid of who he might see? A high school teacher who had accidentally slipped into the role of a dictator? (14.25)

It takes him long enough, but Ben eventually realizes that he has gotten so caught up in his new identity as Wave leader that he's forgotten his role as teacher.

Quote #11

"I don't know, Laurie. I don't know if I want to go back. I feel like… like The Wave got me once and if I go back it might get me again." (16.60)

Poor David! When he realizes that he took on a new, not-so-nice identity as Wave member, he's totally ashamed. In fact, he doesn't even trust himself anymore. The novel suggests that the best way to guard against such feelings is to develop a strong sense of personal identity, like Laurie has.

Quote #12

He turned and was about to leave the stage when he heard a sob and saw Robert leaning against one of the television sets , tears running down his face. (17.57)

The identity that gave Robert power and got other kids to respect him turned out to be something ugly – and a lie to boot. His biggest concern is probably that he will fall back into his old identity as class loser.