The Wave Identity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Honey, just remember that the popular thing is not always the right thing." (7.17)

Sure, Laurie is popular, but that doesn't make it any easier to stay true to herself. In fact, it might make it harder: she has to distinguish between popular and just plain right.

Quote #5

As David watched, the class loser straightened some of the hair on his head and stared at his reflection. Then he snapped to attention and his lips moved silently, as if he was still in Mr. Ross's class answering questions. (5.86)

In the movie on which The Wave is based, the camera is the only witness to Robert's strange behavior in the bathroom. But in the novel, it's crucial that David see Robert. After all, Robert is a big reason people believe in The Wave. If this group can help someone like Robert, it has to be a good thing… right?

Quote #6

"Now you will all have membership cards," Mr. Ross announced. "If you turn them over, you will find that some of them have been marked with a red X. If you have a red X you are to be a monitor, and you will report directly to me any members of The Wave who do not follow our rules." (8.31)

On top the symbol, motto, and salute, Ben now provides a more official way to identify as a Wave member. How does this affect the way students feel about The Wave?