Memories and the Past Quotes in Warm Bodies

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"It's important to capture things, you know? [...] Everything you see, you might be seeing for the last time." (1.10.12)

Julie repeats her earlier idea about capturing everything, this time with a camera in her head. But which one's better—a photograph, that always stays the same, or memories that can change over time?

Quote #8

"Memories you capture on purpose are always more vivid than the ones you pick up by accident." (1.10.13)

We're not sure if this is true or not. Sometimes the memories you least expect are the ones you can't get out of your head. Which is usually why we're always lying awake at night thinking of our disastrous sixth birthday party. You know—the one with the clown?

Quote #9

My past is a fog, but my present is brilliant. (1.10.64)

This is a change for R. Previously everything was a fog. But maybe by his present being brilliant, when the present becomes the past he'll be able to still remember it.