Memories and the Past Quotes in Warm Bodies

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Just remember [your mom] [...] As much as you can, as long as you can. That's how she comes back. We make her live. Not some ridiculous curse." (1.4.20)

Again we have the memories = life metaphor. Perry's dad tells Perry that he can keep his mother alive through his memories. But now that Perry and his dad are dead, who will remember her? Is she gone forever?

Quote #5

"All the s***ty stuff people do to themselves... it can all be the same thing, you know? Just a way to drown out your own voice. To kill your memories without having to kill yourself." (1.7.60)

Even though Julie said earlier that it's important to remember everything, it doesn't mean she actually practices what she preaches. She turns to drugs and self-harm to forget things.

Quote #6

As residual life energy fades from the brain, the useless clutter is first to go. The movie quotes, the radio jingles, the celebrity gossip and political slogans, they all melt away. (1.7.74)

Basically, all the Shmoopy parts go first. Ugh, death sounds like a real drag. And we're going to make the argument that none of this stuff is useless clutter, thank you very much.