WALL-E Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from WALL-E.

Quote #7

[EVE zaps WALL-E with a kiss in space as John and Mary remark,] "Oh, so many stars."

The little spark that passes between them is both a literal spark and the figurative spark of robo-love.

Quote #8

[John and Mary accidentally touch hands.]


MARY: "Hi."

As John and Mary watch EVE and WALL-E's little space-dance of love, they start falling for each other almost immediately as well. Love is in the air… well, if space weren't a deadly vacuum, love would be in the air. It's in there somewhere, though.

Quote #9

CAPTAIN: "Computer, define "dancing."

COMPUTER: "Dancing, a series of movements involving two partners where speed and rhythm match harmoniously with music."

As WALL-E and EVE "dance" in space outside the ship, the Captain starts researching Earth. He falls in love with the idea of returning home to Earth, which, to him, seems to be a place of pure joy.