WALL-E Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from WALL-E.

Quote #4

[WALL-E swoons when EVE says his name.]

Even though WALL-E doesn't even have a unique name (WALL-E is more like a model number, if anything), he still seems to swoon when EVE pronounces it, because now she knows who he is. The fact that she doesn't try to kill him this time helps.

Quote #5

[When EVE shuts down, WALL-E sets her in the sun and attaches jumper cables to her.]

WALL-E will do anything to get EVE back when she shuts down, like Prince Charming trying to wake Sleeping Beauty. WALL-E is smart enough to try everything that gives him energy, but he can't even comprehend what might make EVE tick. The gulf between the sexes exists even in robots.

Quote #6

[When WALL-E can't fix EVE, he sadly compacts trash.]

WALL-E is heartbroken when EVE won't revive, and you can tell he's sad by the way his eyes tilt down on the sides. WALL-E's binocular eyes are the way to his soul. When EVE does revive later, WALL-E's vision gets all foggy the first time he looks at her.