Walk Two Moons Identity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

My mother had two operations in the next two days. She wouldn't stop bleeding. Later, my mother said, "They took out all my equipment." She would not have any more babies. (23.48)

You might say that in having all of her "equipment" surgically removed, Chanhassen loses a piece of herself – both literally and figuratively.

Quote #11

"My mother makes special vegetarian meals. Low-calorie and no cholesterol. We eat a lot of salads and vegetables. My mother's an excellent cook." (25.13)

To be a Winterbottom is to watch what you eat. They're all about eating healthy meals. But who cooks all these meals? Mrs. Winterbottom. So when Mrs. Winterbottom leaves, the family is lost in the woods. They hardly know who they are anymore.

Quote #12

"As I was saying, Pandora was not supposed to open the box, but because she had been given so much curiosity, she really, really, really wanted to know what was inside, so one day she opened the box." (27.29)

Maybe it's just Shmoop, but it seems like Phoebe totally relates to Pandora. Why do you think that is? Do you notice any similarities between them?