Walk Two Moons Identity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

I had never seen him angry. "Sometimes I don't think you're human," my mother told him. It was the sort of thing she said just before she left, and it bothered me, because it seemed as if she wanted him to be meaner, less good. (18.8)

Do you think that Sal's dad is to blame for the fact that her mother leaves? What do you think Sal's mother means when she says, "I don't think you're human?" It's kind of a harsh thing to say to someone, even if you're trying to be complimentary, no?

Quote #5

"I wish someone would call me by my real name. My name isn't Sugar. It's Chanhassen." (8.15)

It's really important to Sal's mom that people call her by her real name. But wait, did this just start? Do you think this has something to do with newfound desire to find herself? How important are names to identity in this book?

Quote #6

He said we were making this move to learn about bravery and courage. That sounded awfully familiar. (18.23)

Dad Hiddle sounds a lot like Sal's mom right before she left home. Only her mom's search for bravery and courage resulted in her death in a bus crash. Do you think Dad Hiddle is being brave when he moves to Euclid? Is it brave to leave?