Walk Two Moons Fear Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

It surprised me when she said that, reminding me that I had told Phoebe nothing about my mother. "Yes, I suppose I would go live with her." That was impossible and I knew it, but for some reason I could not tell Phoebe that, so I lied. (17.3)

Phoebe is Sal's best friend, and Sal hasn't even told her that her own mom has left. What's up with that? Why lie to Phoebe in this moment? How do you think Phoebe would react if Sal told her the truth about her mom?

Quote #11

I took a good long look at Phoebe's mother. She did not seem capable of phoning the police or Mr. Winterbottom. I think she was more scared than we were. She went around locking all the doors. (19.44)

Through Sal's description, we realize that Mrs. Winterbottom is a total wreck at this moment, but we don't yet know why. In fact, do we ever learn why? Do you think she's actually afraid of a lunatic, or has she guessed about her long lost son?

Quote #12

My mother did not drive. She was terrified of cars. "I don't like all that speed," she said. "I like to be in control of where I'm going and how fast I'm going." When she said she was going all the way to Lewiston, Idaho, on a bus, my father and I were astonished." (23.5)

No matter what she says, we think Chanhassen is so totally brave. On that road trip to Lewiston, she has to confront her biggest fears. Similarly, Sal confronts her own fears of cars and roads by going on a road trip with Gram and Gramps. Do you think Chanhassen would think it was worth it to face her fears, even though she died as a result?