Walk Two Moons Fear Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

What I have since realized is that if people expect you to be brave, sometimes you pretend that you are, even when you are frightened down to your very bones. (3.21)

Have you ever heard of that phrase, "fake it till you make it"? Well, maybe that's what Sal is talking about right now. At this moment, we begin to understand that, however she may seem to other people, Sal is frightened down to her very bones.

Quote #5

Phoebe's parents were out, and Phoebe went all around the house checking to make sure that the doors and windows were locked. Her mother had already done this, but she made Phoebe promise to do it as well. (8.11)

Call us crazy, but Euclid, Ohio doesn't seem like the most dangerous place on the planet. Phoebe and Sal's neighborhood is as peaceful and boring as they come. So why are the Winterbottoms so into locking their doors and keeping things out?

Quote #6

Phoebe thought the messages were spooky. It was not the words that bothered her – nothing too frightening there – it was the idea that someone was sneaking around and leaving them on her porch. She worried that someone was watching their house, waiting for the right moment to leave the message. Phoebe was a champion worrier. (11.8)

Yes, she is indeed a champion worrier. However, we can't help but think that we would be just as worried if we found mysterious messages on our doorstep. It's a little bit weird. Plus, we don't get the feeling that the Winterbottoms get out much, so it's probably hard for them to imagine who would leave these messages for them.