The Life of Timon of Athens Dissatisfaction and Misanthropy Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Act.Scene.Line)

Quote #10

(reading) Here lie I, Timon; who, alive, all living men did hate:
Pass by and curse thy fill, but pass and stay not here thy gait. (5.4.72-73)

As Alcibiades reads Timon's epitaph for himself, we can't help but remember the guy who was the life of the party, who just wanted more friends. That guy's dying wish was just to be alone—it's like he just goes from one extreme to another. It's funny that Timon goes from having tons of superficial friends to having no friends at all; there's never been a time when he's had even one real, true friend. We're not even sure if he'd recognize one if he saw one (ahem, Flavius). Anyway, that's some epitaph. Timon's made sure that everybody will forever remember how much he hated mankind; that's one way to go out, we guess, but we wonder how wise it is to become such a ball of hatred that that's the only thing that defines you.