The Life of Timon of Athens Wealth Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Act.Scene.Line)

Quote #1

I take no heed of thee; thou'rt an Athenian,
therefore welcome: I myself would have no power;
prithee, let my meat make thee silent. (1.2.34-36)

Here, Timon says he doesn't want power... but that's easy to say when you already have it. Here, Timon's hosting a banquet and showing off his wealth by feeding expensive food to huge crowds. It's hard for us to believe he doesn't care about the prestige of it all; this guy's kidding himself if he thinks he doesn't have power. He's certainly got the power to make all the popular guys in Athens act like his friends.

Quote #2

Why, I
have often wished myself poorer, that I might come
nearer to you. We are born to do benefits. And what
better or properer can we can our own than the riches of
our friends? O, what a precious comfort 'tis, to have so
many, like brothers, commanding one another's fortunes! (1.2.97-102)

Timon delivers this nugget at his banquet. He says wants to be poor because he's rich in friends. Well, that's a nice idea, but Timon misses out on the fact that he has so many friends precisely because he's rich. At this point, Timon really thinks he's all that, so maybe he really does think he doesn't need money anymore.

Quote #3

Methinks, false hearts should never have sound legs,
Thus honest fools lay out their wealth on court'sies. (1.2.239-240)

Apemantus is skeptical by nature, but he's got a point. He doesn't see the point of showing off money to people like Timon does; it only attracts people who want to take the money for themselves.