Family Quotes in The Time Traveler's Wife

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Book.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

[Henry:] Everyone is smiling, well-mannered, and good-looking. We are a model happy family, an advertisement for the bourgeoisie. […] But […] …there is a noticeable strain. […] We are all acting, pretending to be relaxed, impersonating the ideal mother, father, sisters, brother, boyfriend, fiancée. (1.9.350)

Although Henry seems to criticize the fact that everyone's just faking the happy family, he plays along. Why might that be?

Quote #8

[Henry:] [Kimy] must be seventy and to me she seems exactly the same as when I was little. I spent a lot of time down here, helping her make dinner, […] reading, doing homework, and watching TV. (1.10.1)

Kimy basically became Henry's mother after his passed away, because his father was too distraught to look after him.

Quote #9

[Richard DeTamble:] "Yes, [Annette DeTamble] was very happy… we were happy." [Henry:] "Yeah. You were like a different person. I always wondered what it would have been like to grow up with you the way you were, then. (1.10.97-99)

By telling his father how happy he used to be and what a great father he might have been, Henry subtly telling his father that he always craved his love and still does.