Family Quotes in The Time Traveler's Wife

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Book.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

[Henry to Alicia:] "[…] your dad seems to care about you very much." [Alicia:] "He just wants me to be perfect in front of his friends. He doesn't care at all." (1.9.141)

Henry and Alicia have a completely different perspective on Philip Abshire. Who do you think is right and why?

Quote #5

[Henry to Alicia:] "The things you do to your dad are small beer compared with the things my dad and I have done to each other." (1.9.315)

Henry explains to Alicia that she doesn't even know what inflicting real pain on each other means, and cites his relationship to his father as an example. What seems to be the main reason for their hostility toward each other?

Quote #6

[Clare:] [Mama] looks beautiful, serene after last night's storm. […] I walk to her, kiss her cheek lightly. "Merry Christmas, Mama." It's so hard to stay mad at her when she's my familiar, lovely Mama. (1.9.341-342)

When her mom is in a good mood it's impossible for Clare to see her as the person who keeps embarrassing the family. She remembers the perfect, lovely mom she likes to call her mother.