Thor Power Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Thor.

Quote #4

HEIMDALL: Never has an enemy slipped my watch until this day. I wish to know how that happened.

Proof that even gods in this universe are not all-powerful. Heimdall's found the limits of his power…and he's not at all happy about it.

Quote #5

LAUFEY: We are beyond diplomacy now, Allfather. He'll get what he came for: war and death.

ODIN: So be it.

You can be a god, complete with an eight-legged horse and a rainbow bridge and snazzy laser spears. But not even all that cool stuff can stop a war if other forces want it badly enough. It's a quiet reminder that real power comes from places that not even gods can control.

Quote #6

ODIN: Thor Odinson, you have disobeyed the express command of your King. Through your arrogance and stupidity, you have opened these peaceful Realms and innocent lives to the horrors of war. You are unworthy of this Realm, unworthy of the loved ones you've betrayed. I hereby take from you your powers. In the name of my father, and of his father before, I cast you out!

And you thought being denied phone privileges was tough. When you send a god to his room to think about what he's done, you've gotta bring out the big guns… which naturally means leading it off with a big showy speech.