Thor Scene 10 Summary

  • Erik and Thor go to the local bar, where Erik tells Thor not to pursue Jane romantically.
  • Thor agrees…and then drinks Erik under the table.
  • Loki arrives at Jotunheim for more sneakiness: revealing that he allowed the frost giants to enter Asgard.
  • He makes Laufey an offer: Loki can sneak the frost giants into Asgard again, where they can kill Odin and cement Loki's rule. In exchange, he offers Laufey his power source back.
  • The bad guys come to an agreement and Loki returns to Asgard.
  • Heimdall lets Loki know that he doesn't trust him, but Loki reminds him that he's honor bound to obey his king.
  • Heimdall agrees, though not without a bit of snark.
  • Thor takes a semi-conscious Erik back to Jane's trailer to sleep off their epic drinking.
  • Thor and Jane sit on the roof and Thor explains how Asgard understands the universe.
  • Thor reveals that he slipped Jane's notebook away when he left the hammer site.
  • Jane is super-thrilled to have her notebook back.