This Is Where I Leave You Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around This Is Where I Leave You? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. What theme is explored by events like Paul's Rottweiler attack and Horry's bar fight?

The importance of health insurance
Q. What causes a rift in Paul and Alice's relationship?

Paul's relationship with Phillip
Their problem conceiving a child
Paul's anger at his father
The fact that Paul never does the dishes
Q. What kind of events play into Judd's creativity?

Panic attacks
Q. Judd observes what to be his family's biggest problem?

Their sub-par fashion sense
Their dedication to religion
Their passion
Their difficulty expressing emotions
Q. What is Judd's explanation for his father's affection for Phillip?

Because Phillip is a chip off of the old block
Because Phillip is nothing like him
Because he thought that Phillip has great potential
Because Phillip can make an exceptional ham-and-cheese omelette