Men and Masculinity Quotes in The World According to Garp

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

She thought bitterly that men, once they had ejaculated, were rather quick to abandon their demands. (13.248)

That's what you call a sick burn. While popular culture likes to portray women as the irrational gender, there's nothing more irrational than a man's sex drive.

Quote #8

It was Arden Bensenhaver's experience that husbands and other people did not always take rape the right way. (15.330)

Arden's right. There's no doubt that Helen was raped by Michael, but it takes Garp some time to fully admit this to himself.

Quote #9

She went on to say that The World According to Bensenhaver was "the first in-depth study, by a man, of the peculiarly male neurotic pressure many women are made to suffer." (16.340)

If we want to understand why women are mistreated in the modern world, we need to learn why men act like they do. Any ideas?