Men and Masculinity Quotes in The World According to Garp

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Rape [...] was an act that disgusted him with himself—with his own very male instincts, which were otherwise so unassailable. He never felt like raping anyone: but rape, Garp thought, made men feel guilt by association. (7.212)

Although Garp isn't a sexual predator, he knows that he shares their same sexual drive. The only thing distinguishing them is Garp's ethics. Hold tight to those ethics, dude.

Quote #5

Once she had to tell him, "No! I don't like that, I won't do that." But she had added, "Please," because she wasn't that sure of him [...] It was exciting that she couldn't trust him completely. (13.58)

Many women get caught up with unsavory dudes because of the thrill. But the truth is that Michael is deeply insecure; he's overcompensating more than a Guy Fieri wearing a fedora in a Ferrari.

Quote #6

A woman half dressed seemed to have some power, but a man was simply not as handsome as when he was naked, and not as secure as when he was clothed. (13.235)

Men get their power from society—after all, they've set things up so they usually end up winning. If you strip them of that, however, then what are you left with?