Marriage Quotes in The World According to Garp

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

And for how long had she really been irritated by Garp's routines and habit? She didn't know. She only knew that she noticed she was irritated by them almost from the moment she read Michael Milton's questionnaire. (12.91)

Garp isn't the only one to grow restless in the marriage. Michael gives Helen attention and Garp doesn't—it's as simple as that.

Quote #8

Alice and Harrison Fletcher would remain married, through thick and through thin—in part, their marriage lasted because of Alice's difficulty with finishing anything. (19.59)

While Garp and Helen love each other but screw up at times, Alice and Harrison are too passive to end a marriage that was never meant to work.

Quote #9

[Helen] would have lovers but never remarry. Each lover suffered the presence of Garp—not only in Helen's relentless memory, but in the articles of fact that Helen surrounded herself with. (19.69)

Although Garp wasn't always the best husband, he was always a lot of husband. It's hard for another man to match the sheer size of his presence.