Marriage Quotes in The World According to Garp

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Sometimes it panicked Garp that Helen seemed to want him to stay at home and "just write"—because that made the domestic situation the most comfortable for her. But it was comfortable for him, too; it was what he thought he wanted. (9.57)

Garp worries that his unconventional marriage won't last because it doesn't match the typical male-female dynamic. But Garp and Helen aren't typical people, so it's doubtful that a typical relationship would work for them.

Quote #5

"You're too 'sorry' all the time," Mrs. Ralph said. "What a sorry man you are. Except to your wife," Mrs. Ralph said. "You never once said sorry to her." (11.150)

This nugget of wisdom comes from the woman that Garp considered sleeping with just moments ago. Ouch. But it's true: He's lost sight of Helen and doesn't realize that he's suffocating his marriage.

Quote #6

When Duncan finally went to his room, Helen and Garp were left with less than half an hour before Walt would wake up. But Helen had the names of her enemies ready. There is plenty of time to do damage when you know where the war wounds are. (11.254)

Of course, Garp and Helen love each other. But love breeds familiarity, and familiarity is much-needed before launching a major offensive.